Thank you to all who left comments and joined as a follower on the blog yesterday!
Over the week I've talked about building a brand experience and connecting with your target market. Here are a few of my favorite business cards off the web. They should all win awards for creating an experience and making a connection.
Really great packaging for a media kit!
Great for a vintage shop!
Nothing more memorable than a business card that you can kill time with.
Patches with your brand logo
Great way to re-purpose your scraps
A great packaging idea for designers of hair pieces.
Can I give you a hand?
Designed by typographer Aehrich O'Dubhchon. See original post.
Give me a job, or I'll sit on your desk and pop up! Sourced from here.
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Thank you so much for sharing all this about marketing. You've made it sound so logical and easy to understand, a big help